What Is Rossiter

Christina Pedarre Brady is one of only a handful of Rossiter practitioners in the CSRA.

Here are some issues the Rossiter system can help with:

IT band syndrome

Running injuries

Lumbar/ Glute pain

Tight and painful shoulders and pecs

Sore forearms from daily activities/computer usage and texting

Reduced range of motion 


Pricing: 45 minutes- $60 and 60 minutes-$75

Rossiter is a fantastic modality for pain relief. It’s normally done in 30 minute or 60 minute sessions. Clients can expect the session to take place on the floor, where pressure via the pracitioner’s foot is placed in targeted areas and paired with specific movements to alleviate pain. Please speak with Christina if you have more questions about this system for pain relief.

Richard Rossiter has developed a two-person stretching program that not only alleviates structural pain but can prevent its occurrence. While the most common complaints from those seeking Rossiter involve the back, neck, and shoulders, there’s also quite a bit of other stressed areas such as knees, elbows, wrists, and feet. These areas are frequently targeted for elective surgery to “cut out” the source of the pain. But the Rossiter system views structural pain as a symptom, not a diseased organ or a tumor. Yet, surgery for structural pain can not only miss the underlying cause, but can also leave the body permanently damaged. Avoiding surgery is always best!